Everyone knows I love to listen. For me, it is an essential skill that must be utilized both online and off if you want to build authentic relationships with your customers, advocates, and prospects. In the “real” world, I listen with both my ears and my eyes, as visual clues can almost be as important audio ones. Online, I use a variety of tools to listen and measure to what is happening around client and PureMatter initiatives. One of my favorite social listening tools is SpiderQube.com, created by the good folks at oneQube in NYC.
Robert Moore, one of the Co-Founders of oneQube, is a good friend and a cutting edge social strategist. As Robert says, “he listens for a living”, watching streams of Twitter data like Tank from the Matrix movies, looking for trends, insights, and most importantly, real people that he can engage with on behalf of his clients and company.
Link Listening
One of Robert’s favorite listening strategies is to “Link Listen”, which essentially a Twitter search query that returns Tweets that contain content from a specific website. Link Listening allows marketers to hone in on specific buyer or engagement persona’s, and glean inferences about them based on the type of content they read and share socially.
Building Micro-Communities
Over the last several weeks, Robert and I have been using Spider to Link Listen to my series on how to use social media platforms to market your business. By listening to each post individually, Robert was able to measure both the commonality and the distinct differences between the people that shared these posts. Robert calls the people that get attracted to certain content “Micro-Communities”, and believes that the Micro-Communities that share specific posts offer brands and marketers an unprecedented opportunity to learn how content connects with people. More importantly, perhaps, is the ability this approach gives you to activate relationships with your front line amplifiers, and perhaps connect them with each other.
Live Demonstration
I’ve invited Robert to share his insights with me (and you!) on a special hangout that we are co-hosting on February 27th, at 12pm PST. Join us and a bunch of special guests as we explore the strategy of Link Listening and how it facilitates the building of Micro-Communities and relationship activation through content marketing. We are looking forward to seeing you there, and creating some great new relationships together!