By Bryan Kramer | Commentary

“Social Media Sucks!” with @SebRusk



Joining us in Episode 13 of From the Author’s Point of View is Sebastian Rusk, creator of Buzz, author of Social Media Sucks, host of @SocialBuzzTV and a bow-tie junkie.

Sebastian Rusk @SebRusk

Sebastian Rusk

As a traditional strategist and marketer by trade, Sebastian shares how his passion for social media helped launch his own personal brand starting with absolutely nothing. As a bold personality, Rusk wanted to write a humanized social media book helping newbies get over social fear, but also for the established professionals that could pull snippets to incorporate into their current practices. Wanting to stir a little controversy and leaving people curious, Sebastian juggled couple boring book titles around until he landed on one that best suited him, Social Media Suck (If You Don’t Know What You’re Doing).

In this podcast, Sebastian reveals his secrets on keeping a simplistic message even with the most complex brands and industries. He also hints how being more human helps your audience find you and more importantly trust you as go-to source of information. Sebastian shares his insights on how to create value to your community and what that means for your personal brand and big brands alike. He lastly reveals how finding an idol in your field will elevate your game, and gives his perspective on the future of social media.

Tune in with Sebastian Rusk and host Bryan Kramer now to learn more and share if you liked it!  Released: 2014.

Please check out Sebastian’s book here: “Social Sucks, If you Don’t know What You’re Doing”

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