By Bryan Kramer | Business, Featured, Marketing

How to Humanize Your Entire Company Experience

Organizations are failing when it comes to online experiences by focusing on campaign optimization at the expense of understanding the human behind the company experience. Companies do not want to exhibit biases that may scare off potential leads.

However, the current economic environment demands that organizations must quickly change the way they approach data and experiences. Research shows that customers are more responsive and likely to embrace products and services from brands to which they feel connected.  Therefore, humanizing these organizations is the way to go. Read on to find out how.

company experience

How and why leading organizations win with experience

If there is one thing that top organizations have learned, it is to capitalize on humanizing the experience for their customers. Notable brands like Nike focus on the human aspect rather than just focusing on the product. They invest in building the community and offer huge endorsements to famous athletes. They know that images of these personalities spotting their brand will appeal to their adoring fans.

These customers buy the brand because of what it represents- an effort to bring positive change to the community and an association with the celebrity.

What do human experiences look like?

Human experiences are simply the realities of human existence. They are the things only we humans go through in life’s journey. Emotions are one of the expressions of the human experience. They are wide-ranging. Connectedness, joy, relief, grief, and many others are all part of the human experience.

In the context of organizations, the human experience would be achieved by enabling those interacting with the organization, be they employees, customers, or others, to feel a human connection to the organization.

You can replicate the same effect by employing the following steps in your organization.

Understand your customers’ behaviors

It isn’t enough that your sales are alright. Part of humanizing your brand is to reach customers and get their input on your products or the products they have purchased. Are they satisfied? Are there improvements they believe would suit them?

Soliciting customer feedback makes them feel part of the organization and empowers you to take action that will improve their experience. While conducting surveys and checking customer reviews is commendable, why not personalize the experience by reaching out to those customers who do not mind a call?

Humanizing experiences through personalized engagements such as local events can also provide a way of interacting with customers at a physical level. Stepping out of the office and meeting them in their natural habitats will help you understand more about their struggles and challenges.

Corporate social responsibility events help the organization understand the surrounding community, which probably makes up most of its customers.

Take action on those insights and prioritize investments

You cannot humanize your brand if you do not act on the feedback you have received from customers. Were there overwhelming complaints regarding a particular product, service, or organizational conduct? Correct these unfortunate events and follow up to check whether your customer is satisfied with the solution offered.

Failure to act on customer feedback or not following up to find out how they are doing creates the perception that you are detached from their concerns.

Suppose it is not a concern that you can immediately fix, such as a defective or broken product, but rather a suggestion on future improvements for the product. In that case, it’s wise to consider this feedback in your decision-making.

For instance, if a vast number of customers suggest improvement in the product or introduction of a new service, you should prioritize investments to ensure these needs are met and the issue is resolved.

Doing so not only improves your product or service but gives customers the knowledge and satisfaction that their input is essential to the organization.

Build trust with consumers and increase brand loyalty

While providing a quality product or service is undoubtedly one of the ways to enhance your reputation, you can always deploy a human element to build trust with consumers. One way to go about this is through inbound marketing. Show your customers that the product or service adds value to their lives. You focus on how the client benefits from your product and show that you are not all out for yourself, enhancing their trust.

Humor is also another way of building trust. An unbridled laugh will make the customers relax and feel comfortable being themselves. Encourage your employees to be social and easygoing with customers while still maintaining much-needed professionalism.

The three human experience imperatives: understanding, action, and trust

As outlined above, the keys to humanizing your entire company experience entail understanding the customers from a human perspective by getting to know what they want, their motivation, and what they experience in their daily lives.

Acting on this information allows you to connect with them more humanly, but until you build trust with them, they will let their guard down and reciprocate the same with you. Want more pointers about the importance of human experience? Check this article out on 7 Ways that Human Experiences Win the Future Every Time.

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