Admit it. There’s always been a part of you that’s always dreamed of writing a book. There’s an idea you’ve had locked away, that you’ve mulled over every few years. Perhaps you even have a notebook or folder on your laptop with a few chapter drafts jotted
down, hidden away from view. But that’s as far as you’ve gotten because life just seems to constantly get in the way (or at least that’s what you tell yourself). The fact is that the overall task just seems daunting. Even if you somehow wrote out a full draft, how do you secure a publisher? What should pitfalls should you look out for? And, most importantly, how can you be sure that it doesn’t become yet another Barnes and Noble bargain book?
#H2HChat is going to put these questions to rest and more because Bryan and Suzie are hosting best selling author Marsha Collier. With over 1 million copies of her books in print, Marsha knows a thing or two about the publishing process and she’ll be sharing those secrets with us this Monday. So tune in and make 2016 the year that you actually get published.