How to Find Your Creative Center With Melissa Dinwiddie

by Featured, The BK Show Podcast

The Creative Sandbox

Melissa Dinwiddie is an artist, speaker, performer, author, creativity instigator, former “non-creative person”, and recovering perfectionist.

She helps people take the fear out of their creativity and bring back joy and excitement that reclaims their innate entitlement to create. She turns their creative taps to the “on” position so they can stop living in monochrome and start living full-color creative lives. She’s on mission to change the conversation around creative expression and play.

If you don’t count her first oral report in fourth grade, Melissa entered the world of public speaking with a bang, when she co-delivered her undergraduate valedictory address to an audience of over 2,000 students, faculty, and families in a packed Zellerbach Auditorium at U.C. Berkeley. A handful of years later Melissa was leading hundreds of congregants in three-hour High Holy Days services every fall for her lay-led Reconstructionist synagogue. Years of training as a jazz singer, singer/songwriter, and improviser have honed her skills as an entertainer, but her favorite performances are those that do more than entertain: they transform.

Listen in as we discuss how to find your own creative center, feel more alive, and ultimately change the world.

In This Episode

  • How letting your rusty imagination flow leads to rediscovering your inner creative self
  • Why making and keeping your career creative means making it a way of life
  • How the golden formula leads to compassionate self-realization
  • Why a postive sense of entitlement means reclaiming your artistic access and ability

Quotes From This Episode

“We are all born with creativity but unfortunately, for a lot of us, it gets tamped down so early that we can’t even remember that we are creative creatures.” —@a_creative_life

“I really believed down to my core that I was a non-creative person for 15 years.” —@a_creative_life

[Tweet “”We never really lose our creativity. The taps just get rusty.” —@a_creative_life”]

“We are creative beings and yet we have limited creative expression to an elite few.” —@a_creative_life

[Tweet “”Don’t beat yourself up. Love yourself up.” —@a_creative_life”]

