Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past few months you’ve heard about Meerkat- the upstart app creating serious disruption all the way up to pay-per-view. It was a smashhit at SXSW leading Twitter to speed up its release of its own app- Periscope during Social Media Marketing Week. There have been many articles debating the long-term impact of these apps and live video streaming in general. The arguments tend to focus on the flash-in-the-pan phenomenon.
In our next special #Shareology edition of #H2HChat, Bryan and Suzie talk with two key voices in this discussion. Robert Scoble is one of the foremost technology trailblazers and Brian Fanzo has created over 300 live video streams across Meerkat and Periscope and is currently 25th on the Meerkat leaderboard.