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Replay #H2HChat How Comedy and Marketing Can Work Together

Humans. Like it or not, we’re pretty funny creatures and we like to laugh at ourselves. For proof one need look no further than the wildly popular sitcom genre based on the simple premise that the day-to-day antics of a group of “Friends” would strike our funny bone...

Replay #H2HChat The Importance of Humanizing the Workplace

We live in a relationship-based market. Everyone is looking to find a new CRM strategy to development and nurture a brand’s external relationships. But what about the internal relationship? What about the workplace itself? Employee advocacy is a critical aspect of the...

Replay #H2HChat The Forgotten Power of the Boomers

Millennials are hot, but what many marketers forget is that Boomers still have tremendous spending power. In fact, they hold 49% of all after-tax income in the United States. A new study from Forbes Insights, in partnership with WealthEngine, indicates that as the...

Replay #H2HChat The Internet of Things: Value Beyond the Hype

You’ve probably heard a lot about the Internet of Things (IoT), the connecting of objects, locations, and people to the Internet. While some of it may be hype, here’s something that’s not: according to Business Insider, the market will be four times larger than the...

Replay #H2HChat How to Use Instagram to Create More Business

Instagram is the fastest growing social network within the US according to a January 2015 Pew Internet Research study and is used by over half of 18 to 29 year olds. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that over the past year, it has moved to monetize this success. On...

Replay #H2HChat Creating Magical Moments of Customer Experience

“It’s the little things that matter.” That’s a phrase that seems to pop up a lot when it comes to customer service and experience. These little things constitute “human touches” which trigger emotions that make us remember and favor certain instances over others. From...

Replay #H2HChat How Formula 1 Races in Marketing

Sports marketing is a job unto itself. It’s fast and furious with a ton of legalities. Not to mention you have to keep your sponsors happy. Oh and don’t forget the athletes themselves. With so many moving parts, how does the CMO of one of the fastest moving sports...

Replay #H2HChat Top Secrets to Being Successful on LinkedIn

Why are you on LinkedIn? More often than not the answer is “because you have to have a LinkedIn account in my line of work” or “I created one in college I think”. Less common is it“because I have a fantastic community and great conversations”. When for many of us...