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Replay #H2HChat Market to Consumers, Not Devices

We live in Marketing channels are increasing exponentially. As we work to stay one step ahead of the technology curve, it is all too tempting to substitute “cool factor” for messaging. Then suddenly you’re marketing to devices rather than to your customer base with...

Replay #H2HChat How to Build an Epic Online Community

Social media marketing revolves around community. The success of any social media campaign is directly proportional to it’s reception by your community. It’s for this reason that super stars such as Lady Gaga have had such a seamless transition to social media...

Replay #H2HChat Reimagining What Employee Communication Should Be

The “traditional workplace” as we know it has vanished. These rapid changes are fueled by new technologies. They’re fueled by the mass adoption of social channels, the ubiquity of mobile, and the connectivity to devices. Today’s workers have a digital mindset. They...

Replay #H2HChat The Connected CIO in the Age of the Customer

We live in a world of information overload and marketers must now quickly learn to integrate data and analytics into their day-to-day activities in order to remain up to date. As consumer adoption of new devices and channels accelerates, it becomes harder and harder...