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Mindset Shift Around Numbers with @JeffreyShaw1
JEFFREY SHAW In This Episode Putting personal development first Shifting your mindset around numbers – think bigger The Validation Paradox: others can see more in us than we see in ourselves Quotations From This Episode “The success you can have in your...
Identifying Future Shifts with @JayBaer
JAY BAER In This Episode How his best friends cancer shifted Jay's entire career Why he built a virtual-only company during the early days of video conferencing From being on the road 200+/- days per year… to zero Quotations From This Episode “Never...
Shifts That Led to Winning with Dr. Jason Richardson
DR. JASON RICHARDSON In This Episode Making an identity shift Leaving room for being the benefactor of good fortune Using the energy from fear to bolster the belief that was already there Quotations From This Episode “Confidence is not a prerequisite...
A Lifescale-Based Approach with @BrianSolis
BRIAN SOLIS In This Episode Persuasive design Reverse engineering the addiction to social media Helping businesses navigate these unprecedented times Quotations From This Episode “It wasn’t a big leap of faith at all, it was a trust fall.” --...
Identity Shifts with @IAmHilarySilver
HILARY SILVER In This Episode Stop looking outside at all the service level stuff; start looking at yourself Self-love, self-acceptance, and empowerment Learn how to “live” the next level of success Quotations From This Episode “If we’re not choosing...
The Smallest Shift Created An Epic Outcome with @MichaelEGerber
MICHAEL E. GERBER In This Episode Everybody in business has to learn how to manage a sales organization even if they don’t have any salespeople How letting go and allowing something to take place created space for the best of life – inside and outside...
You Always Have to Shift with @AlexRamonMagic
ALEX RAMON In This Episode Magic is giving another person a positive experience that they will remember for the rest of their lives How to get authenticity across through connection The virtual shows that are now happening in the entertainment world are...
Creating Human Moments with Liz & Nicole from @HauteDokimazo
LIZ LATHAN & NICOLE OSIBODU In This Episode How bringing simple human moments into an event format makes all the difference The five C’s of Haute Dokimazo Caring Conversation Co-creation Collaboration Connection Being a 3D human in a 2D world is the...
How Behavioral Shifts are Redefining Generations with @JasonDorsey
JASON DORSEY In This Episode The oldest part of GenZ is bearing the brunt of COVID-19, while the youngest is adopting new technology and relationship skills For the first time, consumer tech trends are being driven...