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The Forks in the Road with Brian Fanzo @isocialfanz
BRIAN FANZO In This Episode How winning a high school speed typing contest led to a change in career path Social engineering your way into success Being guided into places that let you be you Recognition as a Top 25 Influencer by The Economist A renewed...
Showing Up for Humanity with Kate O’Neill @kateo
KATE O'NEILL In This Episode The intersection between technology, business, and humanity Always being open to change The both/and mindset Finding gratitude after major loss Quotations From This Episode “Human meaning orients everything that humanity is...
Small Shift, Massive Outcome with Joseph Jaffe @jaffejuice
JOSEPH JAFFE In This Episode Making the quick shift from in-person to live streaming Learning to stop talking and just listen Really connecting with the human being on the other side of the camera Identifying the skills that make you unique Understanding...
Stepping Up No Matter What with Tina Meyers
TINA MEYERS In This Episode Stepping up in the face of anxiety Listening to your body From Litigator to Spiritual Psychologist Feeling fully, authentically yourself Being an open-hearted warrior Quotations From This Episode “You need to listen to your...
Punching Your Ticket with @BradDavisCMO
BRAD DAVIS In This Episode Meeting the Dalai Lama, and the shift that followed The importance of the pause Moving to California on a leap of faith Creating value by tapping into the time and emotion of a tribe The greatest lesson learned from failure...
Laughter is the Beginning of Healing with Joey Dumont
JOEY DUMONT In This Episode Life-long battle with insecurity and anxiety A father’s betrayal Sibling loss Looking inward when there was nowhere else to turn Forgiveness and recovery Quotations From This Episode “If you’re trying to mask your...
Creating a Life You Love with @ZoePaliare
ZOË PALIARE In This Episode Pausing to figure out what you actually want Moving through life with intention and purpose Shifting the mentality of society to say we’re all human and to see the humanity in others Making this world a more equitable place...
Build What You Want to Build with Cara Brookins @cmbrookins
CARA BROOKINS In This Episode Using the vision of the finished goal for motivation Fearlessly going in and trying something Learning to not take yourself so seriously Looking at moments of doubt as a personal challenge Quotations From This Episode “The...
Be the Magic of You with Teri Karjala @TalkingwithTeri
TERI KARJALA In This Episode Listening to that inner voice from an early age Overcoming the fear of public speaking to have a greater impact Reframing the past to give it a different perspective Giving clients the tools to create on demand Quotations...