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Thriving Through Anxiety with @NikitaDucarroz
NIKITA DUCARROZ In This Episode From agoraphobia to traveling all over the world. Tricks for tackling insurmountable challenges. Pushing forward when your brain is telling you you can’t do it. Seeing the value in appreciating seemingly small...
Relational Communication with @RevMattHoffmann
MATT HOFFMANN In This Episode What community really means. What it's like to deal with real people's lives. Transactional vs. relational communication. What humans really need now during the pandemic. Quotations From This Episode “Ready. Set. Aim.” –...
The Key to Making Shifts with @JBecher
JONATHAN D. BECHER In This Episode How a split-second shift to follow his gut changed the course of his life How to make progress on large challenges Discovering the accidental diminisher The key to making shifts How swarm intelligence makes things feel...
Making Shifts to Reach Your Goal with Rudy Ruettiger
RUDY RUETTIGER In This Episode How he worked his way to Notre Dame despite mounting odds How he made it into the heart of the Yankees How he eliminated the hate, anger and jealousy from the past His process of eliminating bad thought processes Changing...
Life-Changing Leadership Lessons with @AmyCuddy
AMY CUDDY In This Episode Small shifts you need to make to adapt to big changes One thing that felt small that ended up becoming a bigger shift down the road How you can deal with bullying by not doing anything with it and playing the long game--without...
Shifting Through Tragedy with @OrlandoBowen
Orlando Bowen One thing to note is that this interview was recorded two days prior to George Floyd's passing. Orlando's message rings so loudly now more than ever. In This Episode Shifts in his life that stand out and really make a difference What...
Human-to-Human Healing with @LisaWhelchel
LISA WHELCHEL In This Episode How she faces shifts in her life How to approach insurmountable things in order to climb the mountains and go over the top Is it worth the cost to go forth and do something when you’re deciding to make a shift and then have...